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Police SS M43 Field Cap

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Police SS M43 Field Cap
Item: GM922

This is an original M43 enlisted field cap.  I believe that it is a private purchase and most likely Italian made.  Gabardine wool body is grey colored with the exposed surfaces having faded.  This cap originally had a trapezoid insignia stitched to the front which was replaced with the current police insignia.  The insignia is partially loose, revealing the original color of the cap.  There is also evidence of a stitched insignia removed from the left side of the cap.  Original color is also evident under the flaps.  Has no makers stamps or labels.  Rayon liner is intact.  Has remnants of a full ersatz leather liner.  Cap buttons are Bakelite, one is damaged.  The opinion is this cap started out with an SS mountain trooper who was transferred into a police unit.  Unique cap!